Nursing immigration to Canada in 2023

Nursing immigration to Canada in 2023

Nursing immigration to Canada in 2023

The Covid-19 outbreak made Canada’s desperate need for nurses even worse. Only by providing foreign nurses with permanent residency will the nation be able to meet its nursing shortage. The pandemic exacerbated Canada’s ongoing nursing shortage, which existed there long before the outbreak. A nation that already lacked nurses was further damaged by the pandemic. Because of this, government organizations were compelled to introduce initiatives to boost the number of nurses who join the workforce. For instance, the province of Ontario wants to contribute $342 million over the following five years. The region will be able to hire almost 13000 nurses thanks to the funds.

British Columbia, on the other hand, pledged to invest $16,000 in their effort to facilitate the entry of more nurses into the provinces. The funds would make it easier for 1500 nurses from international colleges to apply and will put them through English language and educational improvement assessments. Around 1,000 nurses from French-speaking nations were recruited and trained with a $65 million investment from the province of Quebec.

The nurse’s pathways into Canada are listed here if you are a nurse who lives in or outside of Canada and are interested in advancing your career there. Knowing that Canada has a range of immigration programs—the list is not all-inclusive—is helpful. Nursing is frequently seen as “skilled work,” and as a result, nurses are eligible for practically all programs whose requirements call for those with “skilled work,” giving them the advantage.

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Skill Level and NOC Code are Two Vital Components of Eligibility

The National Occupation Classification (NOC) of Canada divides nursing into two skill levels: level A and level B. Registered nurses and registered psychiatric nurses are included in skill level A. On the other side, NOC competence level B calls for licensed practical nurses, NOC 3233. The ability levels of a nurse are crucial since they affect which immigration program they are eligible for. Additionally, it details any additional requirements a nurse could have in order to apply for a specific program.

Nurse Express Entry Programs

The FSWP and CEC programs both function with the express entry system, an online system that handles immigration applications and grants nurses express admission into Canada. The system enables supporters of Canadian immigration to submit their profiles and determine their CRS (Comprehensive Ranking System) scores. Age, education, and proficiency in an official language are among the criteria used to establish an Express Entry candidate’s score. High-scoring candidates apply twice weekly for permanent residence. Candidates for the CEC and FSWP were put on hold due to the Covid-19 outbreak, but the immigration minister said the program will resume in July.

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FSWP Qualifications

The FSWP stipulates that applicants must have one year of continuous work experience in a skilled occupation during the previous 10 years in order to be eligible for permanent residency. People who finished their work experience abroad are still qualified, though. An FSWP candidate must receive a CLB OF 7 in either English or French in order to be considered. Reading, writing, speaking, and listening are the four language proficiency areas that are examined. The applicant also needs to receive at least a 67% on the test that evaluates their level of education, language proficiency, and employment status in Canada.

Eligibility for the Canadian Experience Class

A candidate must have three years’ worth of Canadian experience in skilled labor to be considered by CEC. A CLB 7 is required for nurses with a NOC skill level of O or A, and a CLB 5 is required for those with a NOC skill level of B. One’s chances of getting an invitation rise if they have a job offer, but it is not necessary.

Program for Provincial Nominees (PNP)

In addition to the federal government, the Provincial Nominee Program DOES permit immigration to Canada. Because certain PNPs are tailored exclusively for nurses, it benefits nurses. PNP is forgiving since it occasionally selects candidates from the expressway’s database, and if a candidate is nominated, their Express Entry score is increased by 600 CRS points. They stand a good chance of receiving an invitation to submit an application for permanent residency.

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The nursing profession has the following pathways available under the Provincial Nominee Program:

-The Human Capital Priorities Stream of the province of Ontario is accepting applications from nurses.

Healthcare Professional is a category that British Columbia offers under its Express Entry and Skills Immigration paths.

-The government of Saskatchewan created an International Health Worker EOI pool specifically for nurses.

-The labor market priorities stream in Nova Scotia regularly runs draws to nominate nurses for provincial employment.

The Internationally Educated Nurses (IEN) program in New Brunswick provides a route for foreign-trained nurses who can speak either French or English well.

-While Canada has the final say on who enters, Quebec has a functioning immigration system. However, the Regular Skilled Worker Program and the Quebec Experience Program are two ways that nurses can enter Canada.

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