High Job Vacancy for Canadian Employers in Q2 2023
Canada struggled in the second quarter of 2023 because to high vacancy rates. Job vacancies are defined by the labor market as the total number of unfilled positions among all available positions—both empty and filled—that are published. With a 4.6 percent rate, the job vacancies in June and July were unusually high on the vacancy scale. In Canada, such high rates of job vacancies were last noted in 2015.
According to experts, the high rates are caused by a low payroll employment rate and an increase in vacant positions prior to that. The number of open positions in Canada has steadily increased, reaching a high of 26% greater than in 2019. 731,900 positions were open in the first three months of the year. Surprisingly, in March and September of this year, Canada did not devote any cash for the collection of job vacancy data. We can only compare the data we currently have on file to those from previous year without this vital information.
A more encouraging development is that the average hourly wage increased from $21.30 in 2019 to $22.85 this year. Scientists have explained the rise in average pay by pointing to less obvious causes such longer workweeks, wage growth, and changes in the workplace. Several provinces saw wage rise, with the exception of Alberta, Labrador, and Newfoundland. In the entire nation, Prince Edward Island and British Columbia experienced the largest growth spikes.
The number of open positions increased dramatically in Ontario and Quebec. When it comes to Canada’s highest vacancy rate, British Columbia and Quebec stole the show. Canada has already sought to use immigration to address the persistent issue of job vacancies that has continuously plagued the nation. Immigration did not have a good year in 2020, which only made the labor crisis worse.
Other elements that have contributed to the labor shortage in Canada have been mentioned by Canadians. Government-mandated employment perks have significantly reduced the number of applicants for open positions. The employment vacancy issue has been further broken down by Canadian economists to the impacted industries. Let us examine the several industries that have been severely impacted by the labor shortage.
Construction as a Sector
In the second quarter of 2023, there were 62 600 openings in the construction industry. Carpenters, electricians, and other professionals in the trades had open positions. The majority of the job openings were in these fields of work.
Jobs Available in the Healthcare Sector
Some of Canada’s worst job shortages in the health care sector were experienced. Medical professionals struggled to work while keeping themselves and their loved ones safe due to the Covid-19 outbreak. The job vacancy crisis was exacerbated by the stress in the workplace and the employment benefits.
The number of job openings in the social assistance industry increased to 108,000 in the second quarter. Job openings increased in other subsectors as well, including nursing and hospitals.
A report from the CBC identified a significant factor that was responsible for the job openings in the healthcare sector and the mass exodus of nurses, doctors, and other medical professionals. Extreme exhaustion known as pandemic burnout is a result of the increased demand for healthcare providers and the scarcity of necessary staff members and equipment.
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